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The conception of GIEPES occurred at an international event at the Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - UNOESC, in October 2015. The researchers gathered at this event discussed the importance of organizing an international group of studies and researches that could bring together the different groups that have in common the subject of higher education.

Subsequently, other groups joined GIEPES and today it is composed of groups of studies and researches belonging to universities in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The unification of Latin and European researchers on higher education issues has been discussed and understood as of great importance for all universities, since an international vision imposes itself on the mission, function and role of the university.

GIEPES intends to respond to its historical time with the integration of researchers from several universities of the countries that integrate it. It seeks to promote the possibility of research exchanges and scientific production, strengthening academic links between universities and countries. Its themes of studies and researches are: policies, evaluation and regulation, internationalization, innovation, technology, curriculum, university pedagogy, university reforms in Europe and the Americas.

The GIEPES aims to analyze the major issues that Latin American and European universities, notably those of Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries, are currently facing.

The current Organization Chart is:

  • Coordination: Profa Dra Elisabete Monteiro de Aguiar Pereira
  • Associate Coordination: Profa Dra Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida
  • General Secretary: Prof Dr Enrique Martinez - INSUR- Uruguay
  • Secretary of Communication: Prof. Dr. Joyce Wassem - Unicamp and UFV
  • Secretary of International Relations: Profa Dra Carla Galego- Lusofona - Portugal
  • Treasury: Prof. Dr. Jaime Moreles Vasquez - Colima - Mexico
  • Pedagogical Assistance:

- Prof. Dra Maria Veronica - PUC Valparaiso - Chile
- Prof. Dr. Carmen Lopes - University of Granada - Spain
- Prof. Dr. Maria Cristina Parra-Sandoval - - Venezuela
- Profa Dra Olga Cecilia Dias Flores - Colombia
- Prof. Dra Rosane Sarturi - UFSM - Brazil
- Prof. Dr. Altair Alberto Fávero - UPF - Brazil

GIEPES groups are located in the following universities in Brazil and abroad.

  • GEPES ELOS, located at the Federal University of Santa Maria - coordination: Rosane Sarturi, Marilene Dalla Corte
  • GEPES FURB, located at the Regional University of Blumenau - coordination: Marcia Selpa
  • GEPES SC, located at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - coordination: Leda Scheibe
  • GEPES UNICAMP, located at the State University of Campinas - coordination: Elisabete Monteiro de Aguiar Pereira
  • GEPES UNIOESTE, located at the State University of the West of Paraná - coordination: Carmen Bastos
  • GEPES UNIVALI, located at University of the Vale do Itajaí - coordination: Suely Petryluz
  • GEPES UPF, located at University of Passo Fundo - coordination: Altair Favero
  • GEPES USP, located at the State University of São Paulo - coordination: Afranio Catani
  • GEPPES-SUL, at PPGE of UNOESC-Santa Catarina - coordination: Maria de Lourdes Pinto de AlmeidaNEPPES, located at Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguay and the Missions - coordination: Silvia Regina Canan; Arnaldo Nogaro

Abroad, the universities are:

  • Lusofona University of Lisbon, Portugal - coordenação: Carla Galego
  • National University of Tres de Febrero – UNTREF, Argentina - coordination: Norberto Lamarra
  • National Pedagogical University, Bogotá, Colombia - coordination: Olga Cecilia Díaz Flórez
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso – PUCV, Chile - coordination: Maria Veronica Leiva Guerreiro
  • South American Universitarie Institute - IUSUR, Uruguai - coordination: Enrique Martinez Larrechea
  • University of Aveiro, Portugal - coordination: Antonio Cachapuz
  • University of Colima – UCOL, México - coordination: Jaime Moreles Vazquez
  • University of Minho, Portugal - coordination: Fatima Antunes, Virginio de Sá
  • University of Granada, Espanha - coordination: Maria del Carmen Lopez Lopez
  • University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela - coordination: Maria Cristina Parra Sandoval