
Páginas mais vistas

GIEPES Meetings - out/17
Virtual meeting organized by Faculty of Education - UNICAMP, 10/19/2017

GIEPES Meetings - ago / 2017

The agenda will be published soon!

GIEPES Meetings - mar/2017
Virtual meeting organized by Faculty of Education - UNICAMP, 03/16/2017

The meeting agenda will be published shortly!

GIEPES Meetings - dez/2016
Virtual meeting organized by Faculty of Education - UNICAMP, 12/15/2016

It was a virtual meeting to discuss the 2017 calendar elaborated in nov/16.

GIEPES Meetings - nov/2016
Virtual meeting organized by Faculty of Education - UNICAMP, 11/10/2016

It was a virtual meeting to prepare the 2017 calendar.